Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

no more ghost movies for me! :"(

Tadi me and my friends went out and watched KHURAFAT.
malaysian ghost movie!
It was really scary! but I didnt even actually watched the whole thing!
HAHAHA cause I promised myself that if the scenes starts to scares me, i'll put on my earphones and dengar some Taeyang's amazing songs! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

HAHAH so I didnt get to see the ghost, WHICH IS AWESOME! well not really cause I got a glimpse of the ghost pulang jua. :$ *chills!
but I'm just satisfied that aku inda faham a thing about the movie! :D

But one thing that distracts me is the main actor!
like I just couldnt believe a guy that hot wud direct himself in that kind of movie!
so anyhoots, most of the time I got distracted due to the actor! :D HEHEHE

meet the director/actor!
:D handsome
named ; Syamsul Yusof!

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