Soul mates. That’s what popped into my head these past few days… well to be honest, I do believe that everyone of us do have a soul mate. Seriously, look at our parents. They’ve been married for years, and they still look insanely in love!!!! Hey, you know what they say, TRUE LOVE NEVER ENDS, right? Well if you ask me, I don’t even know where to, or better yet, find one! I mean what can I say, I’m no Angelina Jolie! I mean I don’t want to “burukkan diri” but who am I fooling anyway? I’m not that attractive! Guys nowadays prefer staring at my tits instead of looking at me in the eyes, and pinching my butt instead of shaking my hands! And judging by that, how am I supposed to find my soul mate in this black and white world? To make things simpler, I will just look for the Geek In The Pink. But this so-called Geek will always remain anonymous, because in every relationships, no I meant in life, it will always has its own mystery. Because without it, it just wouldn’t be that much fun. So back to the story… I admit that I did describe this “Geek” is wearing a pink shirt. I mean ‘why not pick another colour right?’ So well the reason why I say so it’s because to me, PINK (on guys preferably) do shows confidence. Yes, it is because pink is actually a girls’ colour, and by seeing guys wearing it, it really does shows their inner yet softer side. Have been said that, I do not mean ‘Gay’. I simply mean the sweetness side of them that they don’t even know they had. And by judging by the colour of their shirt, we can simply ‘note’ what kind of guy they are. For example YELLOW. Yellow specifically on guys, do shows that they are the ‘happy-go-lucky’ kind of guy. More like a mature on the outside but a kid on the inside. And GREY shows the sexiness of a guy. Grey is not dark and is certainly not bright either. It’s just neutral. And neutral is sexy. But I guess you guys might probably think that BLACK is sexy. WRONG. I mean black IS sexy, but not on men. Black suits better on girls. J Alright, back to soul mates… to actually find ‘the one’ it is never easy. It is certainly not like putting on different type of clothes. Guys are actually simple. But what we are looking for is not actually out there. I mean, come on, admit it, we girls are looking for this perfect so-called guy to be this super perfect gentleman. Who cooks, who sings, who serenades on you, who kisses you goodnight, who’s fully responsible on your family and etc etc etc. but, hate to break it down to you but, there is no such thing as such guys as I mentioned above. Probably, yes…. But big possibility they’re taken. Want to know why? It is because your mom is married to one!!! It’s your DAD! Come on, let’s play along with me here, take a deep look at your dad. Look at him. He is the perfect guy you have ever seen, right? He cooks, he sometimes sings, he kisses you goodnight and better yet, he even protect you from a broken leg, nightmare and even…..a broken heart. He is the best. And have been said that, we girls have to be fully aware on what type of guy are we dating. For instance, a guy who uses you just so he could be in a relationship ( yes, I know how it feels. I’ve been there before. It sucked! ) , a guy who treated you like crap! Who say mean things about you and yet you still thinks that it is part of the ‘sparkle’ thingy… blahblahblahblah. So if you feel like your ‘man’ is ‘sneakingly’ using you, DITCH HIM! :D Okay, for all the people who knew me, knows that I don’t actually have much experiences in this so-called Relationships! I mean, to be frankly honest….. I don’t even have that much boyfriends. I only dated twice. Yes, bummer, right? But I sounded like this person who knew everything about Soul mates, Guys, love, puppy love and blahblahblahblah. Well I knew these kind of things from seeing and knowing the facts that most of us are trying to avoid. For example, as I mentioned above, “a guy who uses you just so he could be in a relationship “ I mean, you knew that he was just using you cause he was afraid of being alone, or, just so he could be seen as this “player” who has all of this power to attract girls and caved them into his teeny tiny little cage, which is the heart. So girls, ask you yourself, “why the hell am I with him, anyway?” here’s why. It is because you were blinded by his super magical words. don’t get fooled be the sweet talkers, honey! They’re contagious. Seriously, trust me, I’ve personally been there before. I mean, once you’re in, there is certainly a no way out. Moreover, do not be fooled by the good looks! ( except for Taylor Lautner ) because you may never know what’s on the inside. Have been said that, they’re inside might not be as deliciously good looking as on the outside. Get me? As I mentioned above, ‘Guys are actually simple’ cause they mean what they say, and they say what they mean. For instance, when a guy really wants to see you, he genuinely wants to see you. But if he doesn’t give a shit, he literally doesn’t give a shit. So girls, just don’t take it personally, okay? If you met a guy, please do observe him with an open mind, and do listen. Flirts a bit, do whatever you want, but do not give him everything that is about you, cause when you do, there’s nothing left to talk about. And by that, they tend to bore easily. All I’m saying is, you don’t have to go all the way to heaven to actually find your soul mate! It could be your BFF, cause you both have been through thick and thin, and so he knows you. The real you that you don’t even know you had. He accept you for who you are from the very beginning and yet, he’s still here. You’ve been through some rough patches together, and yet, he’s still remain as one of your most important people in your life. Your BFF is like your Twin. It’s like you’re friends with yourself, get me? A soul mate is when you really connect with someone without you even realizing it. My point on writing this article is, we have to be fully aware on what’s around us. All you have to do is open your eyes with your mind, and you’ll see them….. standing there waiting for you too.