Isnin, 7 Februari 2011

catchment area my arse!

I went to MD this evening for registration, I was so pysched about it at first!
then some shitty thing happened!
I got rejected due catchment area!

fakkeeerrr! like DU HELLO cant you see my brother terang terang wujud di MD?
Like how the heck ia kena terima MD and somehow when I tried to register inda dapat?!?!?

so we tired PTE KATOK instead. and THANK GOODNESS I got accepted!

PTE Katok feels so welcoming and the students there are so friendly, so are the teachers!!
so I guess, Im gonna love it there! hehe.
but none of my friends will be there! so no surprise if Im gonna end up like a lame ass loser! :(
HEHEHEHEH but who cares, someone told me, 'you'll gonna be the prettiest loser they ever have' :D
I haf to get back tmrw. to decide what subjects I'm gonna take.

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