Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

I who have nothing.

HELLO aliensss

HAHAHAHHA mkay, I know its been a while.
Im sorry I neglected you.
hehheh k. lets just cut to the chase. shall we? :DD

Life has been going quite well. a lot of OOHHS and AHHS. ;)
heheheh but yeah i dun wanna mention anything here.
so anyways....its the already the mid of the year, and Im officially
yes, B-R-O-K-E.
i only haf my coffee bean's coupon in mah wallet, and THATS IT!
sad ay? :"( hahahha

so anyhoots, next month me and tze familia are flying off to KL. ;)
heheh *happy dance! :P
I am so gonna spend all my money ( if I haf any) in Pavilion! :DD

oh and by the way, a lot of people thought that I was 24? like wthell?!?!?!
HAHAH what gives, man? :P
I just turned 18. and you said I look like a 24 year old???
HAHAHA thats like 7 years ahead!

HAHAH mkay. I think thats it for now. -______-"

Rabu, 23 Mac 2011

welcome to my Black and White world. ;)

Its been a while since I've updated my blog. :S
since KL, school and shizz, I've been busy tze whole time.
WHAT GIVES?!?!?!?!
so forgive me if I hardly been around. :)

anyhoots, alot of things has been going on in my black and white world.
lets start about my unplanned trip with Yatie Mahmud to KL, shall we? ;)
well I went to KL with my crazzzzy yet irresistable cousin, Hidayah Ariffin and my pure awesomeness aunt, Amit Aini. ;)

Meet Yatie Mahmud! ;)

so anyways, we were there on the 24th Feb till the 27th! we stayed at this pudu place. :S yeah I still dun know where thats at! hahah I honestly didnt care about tze hotel. SHOPPING was in my mind tze whole time! ;) ahaks!
and me and Dye promised NOT to go gaga in Pavilion! cause people warned us about their pricey stuffs and shizz..and quite frankly, we bought it. like we literally didnt want to spend a dime there!! HAHAHA so we made a pack with Amit, by saying that we want her to 'hide' our wallets whenever we're in Pavilion! so we did exactly that. oh did I tell you that we went to Pavilion on our first day? ;)

 yes, we shopped! ;) HEHEHE

so there we were cruising inside this awesome yet tempting building called Pavilion....with our wallets hidden somewhere in Amit's purse! *fml. HAHAHAH
and not even until one minute strikes, we ran just after we saw this giant sign named JUICY COUTURE, and without a doubt, we literally begged Amit for our wallets back, and stromed into that TEMPTING YET PRICEY ENUF STORE called JUICY (MY ARSE) COUTURE! HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAH
yeah, it was pricey alright! :P

anyways, we went jalan jalan around the pavilion and we shopped our asses off in FOREVER 21. yes mom, we shopped! :P NYAHAHAHA
like I was literally spending mah entire money just on the first day! *jeling! ANNOYING MUCH!

alright. enuf of that. so the next day we went shopping with Yatie! it was awesome! HEHEH. her parents sort of ditched her and encouraged her to go shopping with us! HAHAH like they left her $50 ringgit and a note. so we gladly welcomed her w open arms! hahahah GAY MUCH! :P
so we went to Midvalley. ;) there I bought jeans and all tze stuffs or my brothers, mah parents and also our cousins! YES, WE USED OUR MONEY TO BUY YOUR STUFFS! OUR MONEY! NOT NENE'S, NOT AMIT'S AND DEFINITELY NOT OUR PARENTS'. O-U-R'S!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
and also on that day, that was tze first time I saw anggak(s) like 10 feet away! eewwwwyyyy~
and the saleperson had an iguana on his shoulder!!! :"( like why wud you put a lizard on your shoulder?!?!?!? WHO KNOWS THEY MIGHT JUMP OFF, AND LOMPAT TO SOME RANDOM'S SHOULDER...IDK, LIKE ME?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHHA SASAK!

so after that, we went to KLCC, and we ran into an actor named AWAL ASHARI. ;) hahaha me and Yatie we were like inches away from him. but instead of running towards him like a psycho, we went completely froze and spend those seconds thinking what was his name! HAHAHAH TF?!?! and right when our brains start to functioned, he was gone. so sayang! :(
when night came, we went to Petaling Street with my feet literally about to fall off! HAHAH
I had 3 blisters on my toes! FAK MAH LIFE!
There, the 3 of us bought tze same luggage! ;) hehe and we spent like $30ish duit brunei on it. AWESOME! ;)
well I dun really need a bag pulang, sengaja beli so that we cud spend more time with the penjual. ;) NYEHEHEHE. he's Japanese. his name is Jeongjun?? but instead, we call him Joey.
HAHAHAHA. yeah, its a long story. ;)


okay. enuf bragging about KL, its SCHOOL time! ;)
hahahah so on the 28th Feb, we had 2 days Orientation at Katok. It was okay. the seniors are pretty helpfull. HEHE.
so im currently in BE12. yeah. and I haf some friends here and there. but not that much. pfft. I seriously dun know how to make friends anymore! :"( hahaha.
anyways, Im taking Sociology, Psychology, Geography and EAS. ;) I like my Socio teacher. he's awesome! hehe. and my Geo teacher is pretty awesome as well. ;) shes pretty stricked, but heck yeah, she did encourage me to belajar more. ;) HEHEHE.
well, life as a sixth form is quite a challenge. :S
its like culture shock to me tho. and to be honest, I cried right after the first day of school ended. HAHAHA yeah I know, I'm a freak, so whaaaaaaaat? :P

;) there! thats about it. HEHE.

Isnin, 21 Februari 2011

yes, it has been a while. ;)

I is tze bored. :/
 heheh today's monday and my brain just cudnt function well on mondays. hmph.
sad, ay?

hahah so anyway, sorry I've been neglecting my vlogss..
usually I'm too rajin to jot down all the things that has happened me...either its a good thing, a bad thing...whatever lah. so yeah. :/

Im flying off to KL in like.....3 days! :D dum dum dum dum dum.
hehehe Im so excited~ I cannot hide it~
I am so gonna shop till my feet bleeds. ;) I dun care, Im gonna go and dress all ooout. :8P

hmm...okay. I iz ke tze bored again. Im hunggrrry, Imma eat. so yeah!
peace out bitches. ;)

Khamis, 10 Februari 2011

faaakkkkeeeerr is your identifier and babal just suits you perfectly!!!!!!

I HATE IT KLAU ORANG NDA PANDAI PAHAM 'YOUR' SITUATION!!!!! theres a word for people like that.... BABAL! yes you, kau babal. like wtfuck???????? please ah, i haf my own problems jua, & NOT EVERYTHINGS ABOUT YOU, okay?!?! sasak? .|. annoying wah kau ani. inda pandai paham langsung! babaaaaal suits you!
I can be a bitch too. JUST WATCH ME!!!!!

sekian terima kasih.

Isnin, 7 Februari 2011

catchment area my arse!

I went to MD this evening for registration, I was so pysched about it at first!
then some shitty thing happened!
I got rejected due catchment area!

fakkeeerrr! like DU HELLO cant you see my brother terang terang wujud di MD?
Like how the heck ia kena terima MD and somehow when I tried to register inda dapat?!?!?

so we tired PTE KATOK instead. and THANK GOODNESS I got accepted!

PTE Katok feels so welcoming and the students there are so friendly, so are the teachers!!
so I guess, Im gonna love it there! hehe.
but none of my friends will be there! so no surprise if Im gonna end up like a lame ass loser! :(
HEHEHEHEH but who cares, someone told me, 'you'll gonna be the prettiest loser they ever have' :D
I haf to get back tmrw. to decide what subjects I'm gonna take.

Sabtu, 5 Februari 2011

I GOT 6 O's! :D

today was rather...hmm what shall I say, nerve wreaking!!!
results was out! Os and As. :)

:))) <3

okay Im tired. I havent had enuf sleep these past few days. so yeah.
Im just so psych abt going to MD this year! HEHEH. :)
but I still dun know what subjects Im gonna take. :/ but for sure I know that Im leaning towards english. :) cos I wanna keep on writing. so yeah. Imma just go w the flow.


Khamis, 27 Januari 2011

you are one most irresistable creature that ever lived! :D

I am officially into Taeyang! HAHAHA
damn you! :P
I dunno, most girls ckp his eyes are so sepet and shits, but to me personally, his rugged look that makes him so irresistable! :D

I dun care what they said abt him, at least he caught my attention. :)
his lyrics on the other hand are so.... :) HAHA
(not gonna say it)
....lets just say, its...quite sexy. :D HAHA

he's cute. :)